An Open Letter To The “Godly” Man Who Didn’t Want Me

I liked this piece because I believe it will be of great help and encouragement to the true christian gentlemen who may have to do this to ladies they otherwise truly loved…

Return of the Godly Woman

[For the purpose of this letter, let’s call him Michael.]

Dear Michael,

You’ve been on my mind lately.

Almost three years ago, we met and instantly I was attracted to you. There was something about you that I noticed from a distance–something special. It wasn’t until we began to communicate that I realized it was God.

The two of us could talk for hours about pretty much anything and I was captivated by how smart, friendly, and gentle you were. I could spot you in any crowd of our college campus because you didn’t look like everyone else, didn’t speak or walk like everyone else. You were salt. You were light. You were bearing fruit.

And I liked you. A lot.

But you checked me for fruit and couldn’t find any. I wasn’t ready for someone like you, and you knew that, even though I didn’t. So you never let me…

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Alex Zanardi: An Extraordinary Man

With less than a liter of blood left in his body, Alex Zanardi’s heart stopped seven times and he was read his last rites by a priest on the helicopter ride from the Eurospeedway to the hospital.

Fifteen years on from the day his car and body were severed/cut in two, the former F1 and IndyCar driver enters the history books as a three-time Paracycling gold medalist..

The Italian could have turned away from elite sport forever, but his injuries have been life-threatening as well as life-changing; today, Zanardi considers his appalling accident one of the greatest opportunities of his life.

“Normally I don’t thank God for these type of things as I believe God has more important stuff to worry about, but today is too much, I had to raise my eyes and thank him,” Zanardi told reporters after the race (2016 Paralympics).

“I feel my life is a never-ending privilege.”

Now at 49, the Italian overcame men half his age to take the title, despite originally taking up the sport to keep fit.

A few things to learn from him

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The best way out!

In my deepest despairs
When I know not what to do
I search for thrills in pairs
My heart a refuge to put into

All artificial things seem calmer
The movies, music, internet
All because I’m a teetotaller
Their thrills are but not permanent

Stepping out doesn’t help much
Cos everyone’s got their own
Yours they listen, theirs they mulch
So why not go to the Savior known

So I grab the Holy Word of God
Read any portion coming to mind
I see how the fathers have trod
And remember I’ve been blind

My body doesn’t see the sense
But my soul feels enlightened
In its depths and over its fence
And thank God, my pray’r He listened